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LIM Sexual Harassment Circle

Lean In Malaysia kicked of the year 2020 with a Circle Dialogue on Sexual Harassment, bringing together industry experts to have an open discussion about the controversial sexual harassment in the workplace with our Lean In Circes.


Our panel included-

  1. Sumitra Visvanathan, Executive Director of Women's Aid Organisation; 

  2. Hetal Doshi, Organisational Psychologist and CEO of O-Psych Sdn Bhd; and

  3. Emellia Shariff, Consultant on Identifying, Preventing & Dealing with Sexual Harassment.

We would like to thank everyone who joined us in this dialogue and shared your thoughts and experiences with each other. We, at Lean In Malaysia, are working towards making a stand on prominent topics like this, and we are grateful for all your support.


Not to forget, a special shoutout to UNIONspace for hosting us at their venue!

Keep a lookout for our upcoming Masterclasses and Circle Dialogues for the rest of 2020! In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy.

Lean In Malaysia Circle Dialogue



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